Serving in Worship

Members of the St. David’s community, both adults and children, play integral roles in the spiritual and liturgical life of the parish. They support our clergy before, during and after worship services.

*** Click here to view the most recent copy of the Sunday schedule of those serving. ***


Children and youth, with training, are able to assist in the various liturgies of the church.  At St. David’s we use the following categories of acolytes:

  • Torch Bearers carry lighted candles in the procession and open & close the communion rail gate before & after communion.
  • Crucifers carry the cross in procession, receive the offering from the ushers, and assist the Eucharist Ministers by refilling their chalices during communion.
  • Servers light & extinguish candles on the altar and elsewhere before & after the liturgy. They also hold the book at the reading of the Gospel, assist the clergy in setting & clearing the altar before & after communion, and ring the Sanctus Bell during the prayers of consecration.

Eucharistic Ministers

Adult members (16 and up) are trained by the clergy and licensed by the bishop to become Eucharistic Ministers who assist in the distribution of Holy Communion.  Eucharistic Ministers typically serve 1 or 2 times per month.  

Eucharistic Visitors

Adult members of the congregation trained by the clergy and licensed by the bishop take Holy Communion immediately following a service to homebound members of the congregation.  Eucharistic Visitors are assigned to 1 or 2 individuals (or couples) and take them communion every other month.

Lectors & Intercessors

Adults and youth aged 12 and up are trained to read the scripture lessons and lead the Prayers of the People during the liturgy.  Individuals trained for this ministry typically serve once every 4-6 weeks.


Adults, youth, and children serving with their parents are trained to welcome visitors and greet members of the congregation as they arrive for services, distribute service bulletins, collect the offering, present the gifts of bread, wine, and money for blessing at the altar, direct people to communion, and tidy up the church following their assigned service.  Ushers typically serve once or twice per month.  

Altar Guild

Adults and youth are trained to set out, clear, and care for all the vessels, linens, and other church furnishings that are used for each service.  Altar Guild members serve once per month.