To discuss scheduling a baptism, wedding, or funeral at St. David’s, please call the church office (410.467.0476) or email the rector.

We schedule baptisms on Sunday mornings throughout the year and are happy to work with your schedule. You do not have to be a member of the St. David’s community, nor be an Episcopalian, in order to be baptized, or have your child baptized, here at St. David’s.

You do not have to be a member of the St. David’s community to be married here, nor be Episcopalian, but at least one member of the couple must be a baptized Christian, and all weddings at St. David’s are officiated by the parish clergy using the Book of Common Prayer. At the discretion of the officiating minister, clergy from other parishes, denominations, and religions may be invited to participate.
We welcome inquiries from same-gender couples.
A previous marriage ending in divorce is not an impediment to being married in the Church, but divorced individuals are required to apply for the bishop’s consent to the marriage. This process is not as onerous as it is in some other denominations, and the parish clergy will meet with you and apply on your behalf. Please allow some extra time for this process, approximately 30 to 90 days.
You do not need to be a member of the St. David’s community, nor be Episcopalian, to schedule a funeral here; we are honored to assist you in your time of need.
Please contact the clergy as soon as possible, and they will meet with you and help you choose lessons and music for the service.
All funerals at St. David’s are officiated by the parish clergy using the Book of Common Prayer. At the discretion of the officiating minister, clergy from other parishes, denominations, and religions may be invited to participate.
The Great Hall is available for a reception after the funeral; ask the clergy for more information about this and options for refreshments.