Parish Life

Parish Life plans and hosts events at St. David’s that keep our congregation thriving. Some functions, like the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, are based on the church calendar. Others are simply opportunities for parts or all of the congregation to share community outside of Sunday services. For example, we might mark the start of spring with a barbeque that brings the parish and Day School together or kick off the fall with a pot-luck picnic and ministries fair. Recurring events include a Ladies’ Supper Club and dinner for the Men of St. David’s. Other types of events include Advent lectures, Family Book Night, and Bingo Night. We also support the parish by coordinating Sunday coffee hour hosts, arranging meals for those who may need them because of a family or health crisis, and engaging with new members to make sure that they feel welcome and involved in the church. Parish Life meets regularly and encourages coordinating events in teams, with volunteers not just from a Parish Life Committee, but from the parish and Day School as well. This ensures that we are always sharing the load of organizing events and that we have a new infusion of ideas and energy on a regular basis.